International High School
Techno .09
2 • Creating content for your personal web page
Computer Name  
Answer the blue questions/tasks in the white spaces.

In the space below, type 200 words about your most memorable experience at the Retreat.


In the space below, type 200 words about yourself.

File Sharing over a Network
  1. Connect to Yorba [Apple menu -> Chooser -> AppleShare icon-> Yorba] and find your ƒolder.
  2. Copy your ƒolder to your computer's hard drive, into the Techno .09 ƒolder.
  3. Disconnect from Yorba [drag the Yorba icon to the trash] so others can connect.

Do you have any questions about this process?

Choose the first "Get Outta Town" tutorial at this web address and complete the tutorial using one of your images from your ƒolder and a found image from the web.

Crop the image to 240x180 pixels, 72 dpi and save as a studentName.jpg file.
Type the name of this image file below.

As usual, please Save as… with your name (studentName.html and/or studentName. jpg) and deposit a copy of each in the appropriate folder on Yorba when you have finished completing it. Maintain a copy of both in your folder inside the Techno .09 folder on your computer.