Full name is at the top of the page |
Webpage is titled intriguingly | |
Summary/Intro follows the title | |
Webpage is saved as [lastnamexx.html] in a folder named [lastnamexx], all lowercase, no spaces | |
All webpage images are sized and saved as .jpeg or.gif and in the same folder as your .html page |
All sized .jpegs or.gifs are named with proper naming convention, all lowercase, no spaces | |
Table: Rows=3, Columns=3, Border = 0, Width = 100 percent (NOT pixels), Cell spacing and padding = 5 | |
Visual Balance: Consider the balance of your images with the amount of text in your tutorial |
Check your text for clarity and completeness. | |
Name, Title, and Number text are formatted as Heading 3, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif | |
Summary/Intro and Steps text are formatted as Paragraph, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif |
All links lead to the webpage or website you intended. |
Spell Check!!! |
Preview in browser. Open Internet Explorer and choose Open File... from the File menu. Find your .html document. |
When you have completed your webpage, deposit a copy of your web folder (images used and .html document only) in the Drop folder on the designates server AND | |
Print your page from the Internet Explorer browser and hand it to me for my clipboard! |