Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
In this tale of fantasy and
mystery, author J. K. Rowling describes the life of Harry Potter, a young
magician, and his adventures at Hogwarts, the famous school of wizardry
that he attends. The author proves with sudden twists and turns, fascinating
characters and a wonderful sense of humor that the beauty of fantasy worlds
do not have to follow the same stereotypical, easily predicted guidelines.
Harry Potter and his fellow friends, Ron and Hermione, bring you onto
a rollercoaster that makes some last-minute turns and dodges out of some
of the most dangerous and exciting situations with trolls; three-headed
wolves; Voldemort, the most evil wizard of all; and some straight-up mean
teachers. Follow young Harry Potter's adventures, and you won't be able
to stop the pages from turning!