She's Come Undone

This book is about a woman's journey from childhood to adulthood and all the tragedies she suffers and overcomes on the way. After a traumatic experience in her adolescence, Dolores Price blossoms into womanhood at 257 pounds. By this time she has decided to give herself one last chance to change her life around before "she comes undone." The author, Wally Lamb, a man who does an amazing job in portraying a woman's journey, pulls you in so you feel connected to Dolores in some way. You will find yourself caring for what happens to this character. This heroic story is about love, struggle and how to maintain strength and courage through the tumbles of life. I recommend it highly and it's a book that both men and women can relate to.


Book Title:





She's Come Undone

Wally Lamb

Pocket Books

