The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn is on the run again, a run from civil society's rules and regulations. Coincidentally, so is his good friend Jim the runaway slave. The time is the 1900s, and the scene, the Mississippi Valley and their "road". the Mississippi River. Huck's adventures with his buddy Tom, in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, left Huck with a large fortune, nice clothes, a teacher, and a widow caretaker. Just too much for old wild Huck! Follow the two bandits as they trick and be tricked, fool whole towns with rival gang families, survive in the wilderness, escape trouble to run into guns and more acute danger, and even cooperate once more with Tom Sawyer himself to fool his relatives and run free... until the outsmarted outsmart themselves by outsmarting the outsmarters.

Book Title:





The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain

Konemann Classics

